joybertra 5th September 2012

I never knew Alex but I know Karin. She is a treasured childhood friend. It was Alex's death that brought us back together again. I prayed for insight before sending a response to Karin's amazing Memorial to Alexander Kasparian. This morning, that came in the form of the song, "Love's Like A Hurricane", sung by David Crowder. The lyrics, "HE is jealous for me...." said it all. We do not understand the ways of God, nor His passionate and burning desire for each and every one of us, but when we seek Him, may we all come to understand "how He loves us so." As Alex lives in memories and hearts and lessons and Ritz Crackers and Lindt chocolate, may we all be given understanding of why sometimes God takes things from us to give us new life. Lord, we don't understand but may we find hope in discovering meaning in all of this. May we awaken one day to find that you have us all in the palm of Your hand, in love, just as you have had Alex there all along. Please give Alex a hug and a kiss, and tell him that his mother and father and sisters and cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and pets and strays and friends love him. Make him giggle, and please Lord, share that very same tickle with us, that we may share in the moment. Thank you for sons. Amen. In a spirit of love, and hope, Joy