mbaboulis 5th July 2012

Hello Kasparian Family: I may seem overdue in sending a thought, but Alex still plays a major role in my life. I live in NYC right now and have an itch to start my own business. I know these are things that Alex would encourage me to do. Who knows, maybe we'd even be business partners. Alex was so smart, loyal, frugal, and fair that I can't imagine a better friend to work with. On a personal front, we're all getting older. I have friends that are getting engaged, people are having babies, even America itself turns a year older today. I wish I knew what 24 year old Alex thought of the changing world of young adulthood. Alex taught me so much. He thrived in giving lessons on the subjects he accelled in but even the way he lived his life was truly unique and a positive influence on so many people. His tacit lessons were often his most powerful. Sometimes Alex shows up in my dreams. Sometimes they are happy dreams. Sometimes they are not. But it always wakes me up and leaves me confused. I guess I just miss him. Deep down I know that he's doing well but I'm greedy and wish he was here. I want to go the US Open with him. I want to walk the Brooklyn Bridge with him. I want to have a 150k mile party with him. I want to play San Francisco Rush 2049 with him. I want him to cut my hair. I want him to teach me how to dress for formal occassions. I also want to do the adult things with him. I want to chill at his bachelor pad. I want to go on double dates with him. I want to discuss business with him. I want to get after work drinks with him. I want to remember what it's like to be a kid again when we joke around. I guess I just miss my friend. -Matt Baboulis 7/4/12